
Team Members

Team Members

Reg Peters, MD, is a physician dedicated to re-imagining our health by focusing on integrative wellness that builds long-term resilience and vitality.
With nearly 20 years of working in the medical field, Lianne specializes in primary care, women’s health, and sexual health.
Dr. Parmar obtained a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Kinesiology, Psychology and the Humanities at Simon Fraser University.
Ryan thinks that every person has a unique and beautiful core self that contains distinct longings, desires, strengths, and emotions.
Melissa’s passion is to see others live in to the fullness of who they have been designed to be and who they would like to be in their lifetime.
Christina specializes in working with trauma, utilizing a variety of approaches.
Liz Dornian is a Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Lifestyle Medicine Coach who loves helping people discover how simple, delicious and sustainable healthy eating can be.